Weekly Nets

Picture of a 2 meter ham radio with 147.240 frequency.Note: When checking into the nets, please speak slowly and give your call sign phonetically, name, and town you are in.

The 2 meter net is Sunday and Wednesday evenings at 8:00 on the NC4ML repeater.

Net Script

CQ CQ CQ, calling all radio amateurs for the Moore County Amateur Radio Society’s [Sunday/Wednesday] net. This is a directed net. Net control is [your call sign phonetically & name] in [your city] and all calls should be directed to me.

(brief pause)

First, we’ll pause to see if there’s any emergency, priority, or time-valued traffic.

(pause 10 sec.)

Are there any announcements?

(pause 10 sec.)

Short time, mobile, or portable stations that wish to check in please call net control now.

(write down and confirm check-ins)

Regular check-ins A through Zed please call now.

(write down and confirm check-ins)

(go through list, allowing each to talk; at the end of each person say [your call sign] is clear with [their call sign])

Are there any additional stations who wish to check-in?

Hearing none, I would like to thank the # that checked into the net this evening.  This is [your call sign] saying 73 and return the NC4ML repeater back to regular amateur use.

The Sandhills 6 meter net is Monday evenings at 8:00 on 52.525 FM.

Net Script

CQ CQ CQ, calling all radio amateurs for the Sandhills 6 meter net. This is a directed net. Net control is [your call sign phonetically & name] in [your city] and all calls should be directed to me.

(brief pause)

First, we’ll pause to see if there’s any emergency, priority, or time-valued traffic.

(pause 10 sec.)

Are there any announcements?

(pause 10 sec.)

Short time, mobile, or portable stations that wish to check in please call net control now.

(write down and confirm check-ins)

Regular check-ins A through Zed please call now.

(write down and confirm check-ins)

(go through list, allowing each to talk; at the end of each person say [your call sign] is clear with [their call sign])

Are there any additional stations who wish to check-in?

Hearing none, I would like to thank the # that checked into the net this evening.  This is [your call sign] saying 73 and return this frequency back to regular amateur use.