VE Testing

Picture of the W4VEC logoCandidates need to contact April Hammond before the testing day to schedule a time to come take the exam. We can not have more than 10 people per session.

2025 Schedule: January 25, March 22, May 24, July 26, September 20, and November 22

Location: Carthage A.F. & A.M. #181 Masonic Lodge, 302 East Saunders Street, Carthage, 28327

Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (Room opens at 8:45 am)

Testing Fee: $12.00 – Cash or PayPal Only

Things to bring:

Two forms of identification such as a valid driver’s license or other valid government-issued photo ID, a social security card, a military ID, or a school ID card with a photo. Bring a copy of the front and back of each card if possible.

If this is your first test, go online to get your FCC Registration Number (FRN).

If you are already licensed, bring a signed copy of your current license. If you do not have a copy, you can get a Reference Copy on the FCC website