80/75 Meter Band

80 Meter Band





The 80 meter band is the most popular band for regional “Ragchews” through late afternoon and the night time. Contacts can be made within a 200 to 500 mile range. During the night contacts came be made up to 1000 miles away depending on propagation. The lower CW portion of the band is called 80 meters while the upper phone portion of the band is often referred to as the 75 meter band. The D-layer absorbs daytime signals making the band useless during the day. Also, during the year there are times the band can be taken over by man-made noise sources and thunderstorms causing static crashes making communicating very difficult. During the late fall and winter months DXing is a lot easier due to fewer thunderstorms producing noise.

Many amateurs using dipole antennas have a difficult time getting the antenna up high enough for DXing. Most amateurs do not have trees taller than a hundred foot to get the antenna up high enough for a low angle of radiation. Even at 60 foot the antenna is still an NVIS antenna with a high angle of radiation which is best for regional contacts but not for DXing.  If your interest is DXing, consider using a horizontally or vertically polarized antenna for a lower angle of radiation.

SSB Phone is LSB

Half-Wave Dipole

125′ (3.750 MHz)

Freqs. (MHz) Activites
 3.500-3.510 CW DX Window
 3.560 CW QRP Calling Frequency
 3.570-3.600 RTTY and Data
 3.576 JT-65
 3.580.150 PSK31
 3.585-3.600 Automatically controlled data stations
 3.590 RTTY and Data DX
 3.713 EasyPal
 3.790-3.800 LSB DX Window
 3.845 SSTV
 3.885 AM Calling Frequency
 3.985 QRP SSB Calling Frquency